Mind The Creativity Gap: Innocent 

The original Innocent tube ad

The original Innocent tube ad


Innocent is known for its unique, conversational brand voice that comes across as chatty and fun. 

The original billboard focuses on the concept of having something extra. It playfully lists off occasions where having something extra is a good thing, including having a portal to another dimension in your wardrobe. 

While the copy concept ties in together well and is loyal to the informal tone of voice that people expect from Innocent, I'm not sure how well it ties in with the product itself.

Instead, I have focused on the concept that the drinks are good for you, keeping Innocent's conversation brand voice while listing out the 'good' ingredients of the drink. This allows the drinks themselves to remain the focus of the copy - providing a stronger all-round branding. 

My reworked Innocent tube ad

My reworked Innocent tube ad